Arts and Entertainment - anime, December 26th, 2002 (...cont.)
Go Fish!
ITreyBones: one fish!
ITreyBones: two fish!
Retsim123: red fish
Animaximal: swedish fish!

Arts and Entertainment - anime, December 27th, 2002
Foxinicity: My brother used to install dishes.. he stole some and they're sitting in his closet that he no longer lives in.
Foxinicity: o.o .. I mean.. in the *room* that he no longer lives in, ROFL.

AshIeyRiot: I don't get the pizza boy thing..
Foxinicity: You know how they have little signs that stick out of their windows and sit on the roof?
Foxinicity: They say "Pizza Hut" or what have you, on them?
AshIeyRiot: Yeah?
AshIeyRiot: OH!
Foxinicity: Mine would say "Over here, Dumbass"
Animaximal: what if it catches on?
Foxinicity: Seriously.. I was just about to say.. then it's 'Over here, DumbassŪ'
Meanie and me: "God did not create mankind, mankind created God"
Foxinicity: "God spelled backwards is Dog"
FulfilIment: Dog without a D, O, or G, and with a P, two O's, and another P, is poop!
ITreyBones: see aol...
ITreyBones: see aol crash..
ITreyBones: crash aol, crash...
ITreyBones: almost as much ads punk cowbell
ITreyBones: -d
ITreyBones: god.. i'm adding and subtracting letters all over the place
AshIeyRiot: Trey is a complicated formula.
Foxinicity: HEY!
Foxinicity: If we're dead, we can go anywhere in the world and not have to fear about being abducted by anti-american terrorists!
Foxinicity: Turkey..
Ix shinji ikari: grand rapids
AshIeyRiot: I wonder what a Dead DC would be like..
Foxinicity: North Africa...
Foxinicity: I want to go to Dead Miami..
Foxinicity: Doesn't that sound like a party?
AshIeyRiot: How is a dead city different than ours?
Foxinicity: Get as trashed as you like, it's not like you're gonna die from alcohol poisoning.
AshIeyRiot: LoL
Foxinicity: Umm.. it's full of dead people..
AshIeyRiot: Hmm.
AshIeyRiot: Zombies?
AshIeyRiot: Sounds good.
Ix shinji ikari: demons
Foxinicity: and it looks like the warpy ring place in the movie, LOTR.
AshIeyRiot: Ooo!
Ix shinji ikari: with worm like things coming from them
AshIeyRiot: Good call, Bets!
Foxinicity: Yeah. That's why you're just supposed to concentrate on the company.. otherwise you get a little disoriented.
Foxinicity: But it doesn't matter.. it's not like you're going to get lost and DIE or anything.

Arts and Entertainment - anime, December 28th, 2002
X Nanami Cow X: I guess, I really don't like Gravitation because it's *trying* to be gay.
X Nanami Cow X: Yaoi needs to be a bit more tasteful.
X Nanami Cow X: And less flamboyant.
X Nanami Cow X: More cock.
X Nanami Cow X: Less talk.
Shin Matsu Z: I am an angsty bishounen!
Shin Matsu Z: Rar!
Shin Matsu Z: ::destroys Tokyo::
Foxinicity: The trouble with me.. is that I don't even bother putting my fingers in the right places anymore.

Arts and Entertainment - anime, December 29th, 2002
Rekatrednu: I'm 9/18ths Puerto Rican, 14/32nds African American, and 92/483rds Islamic.
AshlyRiotVKP: what the hells goin on here?
Animaximal: uhh... unripe anal lovemaking?
Paran01d droid: dude, women are in control i swear
Paran01d droid: it boggles the mind
AshIeyRiot: We are not.
AshIeyRiot: We're out of control.
AshIeyRiot: XD
Paran01d droid: ahha
Diablo101988: are too
Paran01d droid: that too
Diablo101988: we are like slaves
Paran01d droid: to the media
Paran01d droid: but still, i hold no ground as a guy
ITreyBones: i'm controled by the women i know.. but that's because i'm oblivious, and if i'm not following someone, i'll walk into oncoming traffic, or something

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, January 1st, 2003

Private Room - January 3rd, 2003
X Nanami Cow X: :D
AshIeyRiot: I feel out of the loop since Id on't remember most of it.
X Nanami Cow X: Id?
X Nanami Cow X: Freudian slip?
AshIeyRiot: XD
Zenogiasu sama: *awaken*

IM: January 11th, 2003
Shin Matsu Z: Dum dada, da dum... dum dum dada da, da dum... Dum dada, da dum... dum dum dada da, da dum... DUN DUN... DUDU DUN. DUN DUN... DUDU DUN. (rising pitch) Dududududududududu... dudu. DWAA Dun, duda dun da dun... DANA DA DA!

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, January 25th, 2003
AshIeyRiot: You need a fucking stick of deoderant under arms to stand within ten feet of a space heater..
Animaximal: what's a space heater?
Animaximal: i haven't clipped my toenails in... a year
Animaximal: they almost look delicious
Hot Jessica 25TX: PEACE NOT WAR! 22 f here pics in profile, let's chat!
PrincesMina: A psycho rper killed me!
Foxinicity: No!
ITreyBones: that was unkind
PrincesMina: He was some vamp dude and said he killed me when I left. Is that allowed?
Foxinicity: Only in France
PrincesMina: Ah! No way! I was totally out of the room!
ITreyBones: it's in the rule book
ITreyBones: you did read the rule book, right?
PrincesMina: Who's book?
PrincesMina: I never saw a book!
ITreyBones: the association for roleplaying in a proper way
ITreyBones: if there was no rulebook there would be no order!
PrincesMina: Hey!
ITreyBones: it would be chaos!
PrincesMina: He never gave me a rule book!
ITreyBones: you're supposed to get it yourself
Foxinicity: At any DMV location in the country.
Foxinicity: Unless you're in France.
ITreyBones: exactly
PrincesMina: Hmm, what about London?
ITreyBones: yep, unless you're in london france
PrincesMina: I lost him!
Foxinicity: You sure did!
ITreyBones: you can't lose him!
Foxinicity: That's what you get for turning your back on a Vampire from France!
PrincesMina: That's not fair! He's just afraid of me, ha ha!
ITreyBones: french vampires will steal your soul! you can't rp without a soul!
PrincesMina: *peace sign* V for Victory. He ran away!
ITreyBones: ..but you're still soulless
PrincesMina: Nope! He never fought me! He just left....
Foxinicity: They don't have to fight, dipass!
Foxinicity: They're French!
PrincesMina: ...I thought they came from New Orleans...
Foxinicity: French Colony, my dear.
PrincesMina: ...
PrincesMina: I'm not a deer...
PrincesMina: ::Waving Japanese fans in honor of Duo::
Foxinicity: ::waving French fans in honor of Germans::
ITreyBones: ::waving german flags in honor of waffles::