Arts and Entertainment - anime, August 17th, 2002
Trowa Barton886: ::points to his dresser and points to a shelf to a ring container::
Dixie Heero Yuy: and what is that
Trowa Barton886: ::poitns at it again::
Dixie Heero Yuy: ::sets cat on bed and looks at Trowa::
Trowa Barton886: NEVERMIND!!!!::he yells and walks over to the ring case and thorws it againts the was and the dimond ring breaks::
Trowa Barton886: ::it looked like an ingagement ring::
Dixie Heero Yuy: ::eyes widen:: oops sorry
Dixie Heero Yuy: I didn't know
Trowa Barton886:
::jumps out the window::

Arts and Entertainment - anime, August 18th, 2002
Fluffy Hisoka: ;_; *wimper*
Fluffy Hisoka: Can I do it?
Fluffy Hisoka: holy crap i used punchiashon

Arts and Entertainment - anime, August 22nd, 2002
Foxinicity: I don't doubt that men under enemy captivity suffer sexual assault.
Foxinicity: They just don't have vaginas.
Fluffy Hisoka: or do they!?
Double Fanged: .....
Fluffy Hisoka: ...check behind their ears!

Arts and Entertainment - anime, August 31st, 2002
Matterhorn0721: hi
Foxinicity: Yo.
Matterhorn0721:'s empty in here...
Matterhorn0721: if u didn't notice
Foxinicity: I'm just waiting for the crowd.
Foxinicity: <~ Reg.
Matterhorn0721: same here
Matterhorn0721: hehe
Foxinicity: o.o
Foxinicity: I've been here for 2 1/2 years.
Matterhorn0721: wow!
Matterhorn0721: i've never seen ur sn...
Matterhorn0721: i don't think...
Foxinicity: You must be from a different room, then.
Matterhorn0721: maybe....
Matterhorn0721: shoot...i g2g
Matterhorn0721: maybe ttyl
Matterhorn0721: bye
Foxinicity: Bye bye.

Arts and Entertainment - anime, September 2nd, 2002
AshIeyRiot: lmao! These quote are good, Fox.
Foxinicity: I'm glad you enjoy them.
AshIeyRiot: But apparently so is my spelling, no?
Foxinicity: It's not a matter of good spelling... it's not even spelling..
Foxinicity: it's simply your post-modern, illuminated thought-process, amplified by the technology of the ....
Foxinicity: Ok, I lost myself.
AshIeyRiot: It's ok ::condoles fox::
Foxinicity: Aww. You made it into Volume 27.
AshIeyRiot: Yay!
AshIeyRiot: Pra-tay!
AshIeyRiot: .....
AshIeyRiot: Bastard!

Arts and Entertainment - anime, September 8th, 2002
AshIeyRiot: It's not rape if you like it, Magnum
Foxinicity: It's not rape if you said, "Hey, let's have sex."
ITreyBones: sadly... saying "hey, let's have sex" doesn't mean you're going to have sex

IM: September 12th, 2002
RvGrlUtena: Maybe in their world.
Foxinicity: Pshaw. Just ask my therapist - I live in my own world. Benefits? I get to make my own rules, kick as many asses as I please, and spell 'puce', 'peuce'.
RvGrlUtena: Heh!
Foxinicity: Fuck humbleness, I'm quoting that.

Arts and Entertainment - anime, September 25th, 2002
EOS 05: enslaved the masses and had a pineapple fiesta

Arts and Entertainment - anime, October 2nd, 2002
Pro Death Raver: She went up to aim and pushed her and then started spouting out some thai stuff heh
Foxinicity: Thai stuff?
Foxinicity: Imports or words?
Psycho Enishi: LOL
Pro Death Raver: Well what ever their language is called heh
Psycho Enishi: ::throws Thai imports at everyone:: Take that, bitches!

IM: October 13th, 2002
RvGrlUtena: Fuck your herd. Fuck your brothers. Fuck your cousins ...
You must teach me, oh great O'Bi wan McNobi!
Foxinicity: ROFL!!

Arts and Entertainment - anime, November 3rd, 2002
ITreyBones: hehee... we're learning how to be deep in creative writing now
Foxinicity: ROFL
Foxinicity: How deep are you, Trey?
ITreyBones: 4 cubic meters
ITreyBones: of pure steaming looooove
ITreyBones: but we got to cut pictures and words our of magazines, and use 'em i a poem

Arts and Entertainment - anime, November 4th, 2002
Pro Death Raver: Hi -tips hat-
Foxinicity: Hola *skoots up skirt*
Pro Death Raver: Hello there -unzips-
Foxinicity: Nice to see you again. *pounce*
Pro Death Raver: No no nice to see you -hump-
Foxinicity: XD
Pro Death Raver: d;c]

Arts and Entertainment - anime, November 5th, 2002
Jshappy2: does anybody in here know where i can find yugioh roms
DeltaShadowEd: in butt-sex land
Fluffy Hisoka: san fransisco?

Arts and Entertainment - anime, November 7th, 2002
Foxinicity: LoLol. If I had a penis I'd be disappointed.
Fluffy Hisoka: if i had a penis i'd be hitting the keyboard with it
BrettxPW: I don't think of it as a penis. I think of it as a tactical warhead.
BrettxPW: It's not as big as a normal nuke, but it gets the job done.
Fluffy Hisoka: my penis can do quantum physics
Fluffy Hisoka: too bad i couldnt use it on SATs
Foxinicity: My penis invented pants.
Fluffy Hisoka: My penis is jesus
Shinsengumi3: my penis is going to bed
BrettxPW: My penis IS REAL
Fluffy Hisoka: DAMN YOU!!
Fluffy Hisoka: what IS real anyway?
Fluffy Hisoka: my penis is a philosopher
SatanicHolyMan: Dude, no one can "Give up" rp'ing.
SatanicHolyMan: It's to addictive.
SatanicHolyMan: Trust me.
SatanicHolyMan: Its not possible.
Fluffy Hisoka: ::gives up::

Arts and Entertainment - anime, November 15th, 2002

Arts and Entertainment - anime, November 20th, 2002
Animaximal: finished... and my fingers are about to break off...
Animaximal: i need pictures of puppies

Arts and Entertainment - anime, November 22nd, 2002
ITreyBones: o.o i missed the fun!
ITreyBones: wait! it's still going!

Arts and Entertainment - anime, November 23rd, 2002
Animaximal: turn on the Food Channel NOW!
Foxinicity: What's on the food channel?
Animaximal: stuffing!
Foxinicity: O.o

Arts and Entertainment - anime, November 25th, 2002
AshIeyRiot: Hh
AshIeyRiot: =e
AshIeyRiot: +e?
AshIeyRiot: ....
AshIeyRiot: Yes that's right folks h+h=e.

Arts and Entertainment - anime, November 27th, 2002
Twisted Dentures: o.0 that's devilishly funny
Foxinicity: emphasis on the DEVIL!!