Arts and Entertainment - Anime, January 16th, 2002
Shinsengumi3: i worked all day, and i'm exhausted
Shin Matsu Z: Aah.
Shin Matsu Z: I mean... YARR, I do be meanin' to, indeed.
Shinsengumi3: it's ok....sort of. i'm ok in most situations so i don't mind much
Shin Matsu Z: I have no work for this harr winter, so I do be broke.
Shin Matsu Z: No dubloons for spendin' have I.
Shin Matsu Z: I do be frightenin' people, no?
Shin Matsu Z: Good, now maybe ye'll give me yer DUBLOONS!
Shinsengumi3: lol no, i'm talking to someone on im
ITreyBones: o.o piratey
Shin Matsu Z: And Trey do be gettin' 100 brownie points.
Shin Matsu Z: And so do I be.
Shin Matsu Z: Talkin' on IM, mean I.
Shinsengumi3: schwaa?
Shinsengumi3: my cats are all going nuts cause i won't feed them
Shin Matsu Z: I do be talkin' on IM.
Shin Matsu Z: Then feed yer kitties, or the will make ye walk the plank!
Shin Matsu Z: Yarr, it did happen to me, once upon a time.
Shin Matsu Z: Yes, I was on me pirate barge, with me cats, to catch mice, the scurvy dogs.
Shin Matsu Z: And, I forgot, one night, to feed 'em.
Shin Matsu Z: I awoke among the sharks, yarr harr!
Shin Matsu Z: And, when I swam to shore, nary a sight of me ship, there were the cats, waitin'.
Shin Matsu Z: With their sparklin' eyes, and sharp claws.
Shin Matsu Z: I tried to run, but they did follow.
Shin Matsu Z: And, so, I ended up feedin' the rascals.
Shin Matsu Z: And they did live with me ever since.
Shin Matsu Z: They did force me to become a landlubber, and I have not tested them ever since, yarr harr.
Shin Matsu Z: Harr HARR!
Shin Matsu Z: And that be me narrative, for the night.

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, January 21st, 2002
ITreyBones: yeah, all the girls at my school were nasty, and i looked great in booty shorts
Foxinicity: I don't scream.. I yelp like a PUSS.
Shin Matsu Z: Hey, so do I.
Foxinicity: XD
Shin Matsu Z: ...I keep saying things that will come back to haunt me.
Foxinicity: I don't really care about Bin Laden to be honest.. I'm more interested in our cute little uniform-clad boys.
Saint TaiI: Uniform clad choir boys?
Saint TaiI: *blinku*
Omocha Yukishiro: Do they still have to get horrible haircuts?
Foxinicity: I think so.
Foxinicity: Some of them have a particularly funny horrible haircut.. I'm thinking it's for branch distinction..
Saint TaiI: The higher the rank, the crappier the cut?
ITreyBones: like..a mohawk?
Foxinicity: XD
Foxinicity: Something like that.
Foxinicity: I'd want to be in the branch with cindy-brady-curled pigtails and pink ribbons.
Foxinicity: XD
Saint TaiI: That would be strategic. Rather than shoot you, the enemy would drop their weapons and roll on the floor laughing at your hair.
Omocha Yukishiro: Ooo! Ooo! Do any of them have mullets?
Foxinicity: PRECISELY!
Foxinicity: Or wonder at how fucking cute we all were!
Foxinicity: LoLoL Scythie.
Saint TaiI: Brian took me off his friends list. o.o
Fluffy Hisoka: ah well what can you do
Foxinicity: Heheh.
ITreyBones: aww
ITreyBones: i was never on his friends list
Saint TaiI: I know I shouldnt be pissed but...o.o
Saint TaiI: I have just be "cast aside"
Saint TaiI: By an idiot!
Saint TaiI: ::cries::
Foxinicity: Email him V.. he'll be all.. "Sorry... My dog ate my friends list."
Foxinicity: "My computer crashed and the only thing I didn't have backed up was my friends list."
Foxinicity: "Livejournal told me that your name was cursed and that I had to take it off my friends list."
Fluffy Hisoka: "satan told me to take you off"
Foxinicity: "I ate a jellybean and was convinced that you were the second coming of Christ and I wasn't worthy, so I took you off my friends list."
Saint TaiI: Lil has a tiara! ha ha ha!
Fluffy Hisoka: jeeealous?
Saint TaiI: hell fucking no.
Foxinicity: XD
Fluffy Hisoka: i have a crown and can be princess naked riding on a horse chick whenever i want
Fluffy Hisoka: and you....can just be vee
Foxinicity: FUFKCK!
Foxinicity: ..o.o
Saint TaiI: all punctuation sucks says i
Saint TaiI: also does too the grammar
Fluffy Hisoka: grammer what for now then what the hey to the church
Omilio sparkz: who here can draw?
BrettxPW: I can draw...... BLOOD.
Omilio sparkz:
i can read
BrettxPW: I can read...... BLOOD.
SupaikuSupiigeru: loosen up.
BrettxPW: I can loosen up...... BLOOD.
Fluffy Hisoka: NOOOOOO!!
Fluffy Hisoka: I HIT CASCAAADE!!
Fluffy Hisoka: MOTHER FUCKER!!!!
Fluffy Hisoka: ::hits head against the screen::
Fluffy Hisoka: ::hangs herself::
Foxinicity: I hate doing that, Silly.
Foxinicity: It makes me feel like I ruined my life.
ITreyBones: i don't know what the cascade button does...
Shinsengumi3: me either
Foxinicity: Try it!
Fluffy Hisoka: IT RUINS YOUR LIFE!

IM - January 24th, 2002
X Nanami Cow X: It's like "*wobbleshakeunevenshakenessfuckmelikeadirtywhoreforbeingflatwobblyvibrattoshit*"

Arts and Entertainment - anime, January 28th, 2002
Spritle911: note to self: seek professional help
Foxinicity: Note To Shelf: Dust.
Fluffy Hisoka: note to shelf:hold stuf
Fluffy Hisoka: DAMN!
Foxinicity: O.o
DemonicAisha: Um...This is an rp room...could you make a room and go to it to talk about that stuff?
Saint TaiI: this is not an rp room.
DemonicAisha: Uh..
DemonicAisha: Wanna make a bet?
Shinsengumi3: yes we do
DemonicAisha: You people always make your own room..go to it..
Foxinicity: This room has been established years ago as a chatroom.
Shinsengumi3: this IS our room
DemonicAisha: are perceptive ne?
DemonicAisha: Yours?
DemonicAisha: LMAO
DemonicAisha: Look on my profile..;x
DemonicAisha: And is it so hard to make a room of your own?
Shinsengumi3: we DID make this room
Foxinicity: We *do* make this room.
DemonicAisha: I was here first..
Saint TaiI: I doubt that.
Foxinicity: Guess what, sweety.. We're here every night, come back tomorrow and you'll see the same crowd, give or take a few people.