Arts and Entertainment - Anime, December 21st, 2001
BillaBongakaJASH: i don't know what the hell i'm talking about
Foxinicity: I'm talking about Shaft.
ITreyBones: i can dig it
BillaBongakaJASH: SHAFT!
BillaBongakaJASH: thats the only part of the song i know
Foxinicity: (me too)
Foxinicity: I like to make up my own lyrics.
BillaBongakaJASH: don't we all
Foxinicity: "Who's the bunny from telletubby land who eats the grass beneath the birdbath?" (SHAFT!)
Foxinicity: "You're daaaaamn right."
BillaBongakaJASH: ...
BillaBongakaJASH: you scare me fox...
BillaBongakaJASH: a lot.
ITreyBones: grrr i can'y fid the song
ITreyBones: +n
ITreyBones: grrr i can't find the proper keys
BillaBongakaJASH: you know i'm 300 years old right?
Foxinicity: I like older men.
Foxinicity: *purr*
ITreyBones: so how 'bout them mets?
Foxinicity: What do the mets play, again?
Foxinicity: Water polo?
LodossWarriorZ: i think so...
ITreyBones: yeah
ITreyBones: dude in my 8th grade geology class used to swallow the teacher's marbles...
Shinsengumi3: XD
Shinsengumi3: ow my neck o.o
Fluffy Hisoka: you fraggled too much
BillaBongakaJASH: what about penises?
Fluffy Hisoka: penises are hilariuous
Fluffy Hisoka: hilarious*
BillaBongakaJASH: :(
BillaBongakaJASH: hillarious?
Shinsengumi3: yeah.....penises are kinda funny......but..........eeh
MitsubachiKou: penises are gross
Fluffy Hisoka: i think theyre funny
BillaBongakaJASH: damn you all.
BillaBongakaJASH: damn you
ITreyBones: penises rock!
ITreyBones: goooooo penis!
BillaBongakaJASH: amen brotha trey
Fluffy Hisoka: he likes penises for a different reason jash XD
Foxinicity: And here I am trying to hold down the fart.
Foxinicity: ...O.O
Foxinicity: fort.
BillaBongakaJASH: i'll always have aim
BillaBongakaJASH: so when you're in need for some loving!
Foxinicity: My first choice!
Foxinicity: ...ok, second.
Foxinicity: XD
ITreyBones: what if i'm in need of a new lightbulb for my easy bake oven?

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, December 22nd, 2001
X Nanami Cow X: It'd be hilarious if we all got hotel rooms next to each other.
X Nanami Cow X: Or if we ALL slept in one hotel room.
X Nanami Cow X: ORGY
TheMadDr C: we could have passionate butt sex.
X Nanami Cow X: Or just passionate sex.
Foxinicity: Passionate Madlibs.
Foxinicity: You guys *do* realize this is what we'll be doing, right?
X Nanami Cow X: Madlibs.
X Nanami Cow X: Lol.
TheMadDr C: we'd probably all realize that spoken conversation wasnt working, and we'd all be in a room passing around a piece of paper writing little comments on it next to our names

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, December 23rd, 2001
BillaBongakaJASH: its ok trey
BillaBongakaJASH: i still lick you
X Nanami Cow X: Oi... I got his present today. ;_;
X Nanami Cow X: It's a STERLING SILVER NECKLACE with a heart made out of RUBIES. O.O
X Nanami Cow X: And it's not fake. o.O
ITreyBones: i think he likes you

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, December 24th, 2001
Fluffy Hisoka: i still cant get the aint afraid to die video to play
Foxinicity: Are you about to lose your mind?
Fluffy Hisoka: but i downloaded a newer version of windows media player
Fluffy Hisoka: and now i can watch the pretty colors
ITreyBones: *glittersparkleseizurehippo*
CBMendiga: Fox, you ever did the dirty monkey dance again?
Foxinicity: I sure did. o.o

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, December 25th, 2001
ITreyBones: ;.; i have to sleep on the couch tonight
Fluffy Hisoka: awww poor trey
ITreyBones: i know! i'm a fairy princess for christ sake!

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, January 2nd, 2002
Shin Matsu Z: Hmm.... I think I am going to go get cheesecake.
Shin Matsu Z: And if there is none in the fridge, I shall venture to Rach's house to steal cheesecake.
Shin Matsu Z: And laugh.
Shin Matsu Z: Laugh hard.
Shin Matsu Z: Then laugh soft.
Shin Matsu Z: Then be injured by a passing square root.

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, January 3rd, 2002
Shinsengumi3: in 3 days i had a bagel and some cracker.
Fluffy Hisoka: lol if you cant handle the heat get the hell outta my ass
Fluffy Hisoka: o.o....i feel like minako now...
Fluffy Hisoka: its no use crying over spilled eggs
Eternally Miang: I can't open this Jolly Rancher!
Eternally Miang: *depression*
Eternally Miang: *suicidal tendencies set in*

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, January 4th, 2002
Foxinicity: "I am soap. Soap on a rope. I will smite thee, cried the Pope!"
Shinsengumi3: what your foot with your boken and then eat it
Fluffy Hisoka: o.o
Fluffy Hisoka: engrish
Foxinicity: Are you hamster of your Arabic dialect if you.. .. like roasted walnuts. mmm.
Fluffy Hisoka: why is my butt shaking without my consent?