Arts and Entertainment - ANIME, October 23rd, 2001
Nps Ngs N Type: I have a headache and an erection. This is poetic in some profound way.
ITreyBones: I miss my shoes.
Foxinicity: LoL. What happened to them?
ITreyBones: I took them off.
ITreyBones: ...I feel empty..

Arts and Entertainment - ANIME, October 24th, 2001
Fluffy Hisoka: ich bin spekin german werd yo
Foxinicity: I thought I broke my left index and middle fingers today.
Foxinicity: How? .. By gesturing wildly, singing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow".. and hitting the kitchen countertop.
Foxinicity: It hurt *so* much.. and it didn't stop hurting severely for about twenty minutes.
Foxinicity: I guess that's what I get, though.
LessThanZach: I can understand the first two, but what did the countertop do to provoke you?
MusashixKojirou: i'm like...........rubbing it really hard to make it stop hurting
X Nanami Cow X: My right leg and crotch are numb!
BrettxPW: Jesus LOVED candy. True story.
X Nanami Cow X: My friend is Mormon, and she was telling me all about her church.
X Nanami Cow X: She gets offended if I call her Mormon.
X Nanami Cow X: She goes "I'm LDS."
Foxinicity: Call me "NCHCA"
Foxinicity: Non-christian, hard-core Agnostic.
Fluffy Hisoka: call me MBFABDWJJ
Fluffy Hisoka: thats stands for
Fluffy Hisoka: My Butt Fell Asleep Boy Doggie Woo Jiggie Jiggie

Arts and Entertainment - Jrock Chat, October 24th, 2001
X Nanami Cow X: Wait, can the pineapple have sex?
X Nanami Cow X: Rachael, pain, bad, not cool, falling, be a moogle with foxy, die.
IWant2FaaQ: someone give D head
X Nanami Cow X: You *have* to come now.

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, October 25th, 2001
Fluffy Hisoka: i'll take it after i figure out what dog i am
ITreyBones: I'm a romantic poet.
Foxinicity: "That's because Trey is all about being a knight in shining armor."
Foxinicity: Is it pink armor?
ITreyBones: Of course it's pink.
ITreyBones: They *must* match my bag.

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, October 25th, 2001
X Nanami Cow X: I think "chakusoku suru" is a nice online translationg.
X Nanami Cow X: Translationg?
Foxinicity: LoL!
Foxinicity: Translationg courtesy of the Jruck Chuch!
X Nanami Cow X: 'chakusoku suru' if 'chakusoku; means 'stain' would be like "to stain"
X Nanami Cow X: but online translations fuck everything up.
Foxinicity: Ich bin der Kaiser und ich möchte translationg.
X Nanami Cow X: But regardless, she has no verd.
X Nanami Cow X: Verd?
X Nanami Cow X: VERB
Foxinicity: Verde Translationg.
X Nanami Cow X: Verd translationgs in the Jruck Chuch, today at 3 HAM.
X Nanami Cow X: It's pretty. : ) But that "Menu" ergs me.
Foxinicity: LoL, why?
X Nanami Cow X: I don't know?
X Nanami Cow X: XD
X Nanami Cow X: It's just like "MENU."
Foxinicity: Is my 'Menu' too poimpous?
Foxinicity: O.o Pompous!
X Nanami Cow X: Lol Poimpous?!
X Nanami Cow X: Today, in the jruck chuch, Rae explores her anonymus inner poimpous, desu.
X Nanami Cow X: Why do you think you should be a member of Oceanid? "I take baths."
Foxinicity: LoL. my future cosplay plans are Tenkou, Wakaba, Cherubina, a Moodle, and ..other stuff.
Foxinicity: o.o
Foxinicity: Moogle*
Foxinicity: XD
BrettxPW: i like asians
BrettxPW: girls
BrettxPW: meant girls

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, October 19th (The Forgotten Quotes! .. From Kao)
Fluffy Hisoka: i ...just wanna say
Fluffy Hisoka: that i dont like nuts because they get stuck in my teeth
X Nanami Cow X: my fingers are allllllllllllllllll sticky
X Nanami Cow X: i wasn't lying when i said i was an ice cream sandwich whore.

--- some time later

X Nanami Cow X: stickkkkkyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy hard
X Nanami Cow X: to type
X Nanami Cow X: o.o
Magi606: oh...I thought you were talking about me...
Fluffy Hisoka: sticky hard and full off fluff
Fluffy Hisoka: thats magi in an eggroll

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, October 27th, 2001
SkySorceress13: anime is what they call japanese animation
Foxinicity: Anime is what they call animation, period.
Foxinicity: The japanese refer to our 'cartoons' as 'anime', too.
SkySorceress13: and i was referring in was learning the language that stems from the word even if it french i was meaning the cartoons
Foxinicity: ..Sky.. try not to use big words, you can't do it just yet.
SkySorceress13: hai hai, Sky no baka
SkySorceress13: can so
Foxinicity: Cannot. Your sentence was the most poorly constructed thing I've ever seen.
SkySorceress13: well i was typing to fast!
Foxinicity: I've seen first year english-as-a-second-language students with better construction.
SkySorceress13: I apologize for the poultriness of my words. But to err is human.
Foxinicity: Grammar isn't compromised by fast typing.
SkySorceress13: as the saying goes.
Foxinicity: ..poultry ROFL
SkySorceress13: it is for me
Foxinicity: PALTRY
SkySorceress13: I have a college level vocabulary thank you very much!
Foxinicity: PALTRY not POULTRY!
Foxinicity: College level vocabulary my ass.
SkySorceress13: im a vegetarian I have an excuse.
Foxinicity: 'poultriness' of my words..
Foxinicity: ROFL
Foxinicity: Poultry Words: Baaaaawk.

SkySorceress13: no im a lazy typer
Foxinicity: Your grammar is atrocious.
Foxinicity: It's not your typing, it's your english construction.
SkySorceress13: but i am quite 'loquacious'
Jiki no ningyou: What font is it?
X Nanami Cow X: Franklin Gothic Medium Cond.
X Nanami Cow X: I almost typed Medium Cod.
X Nanami Cow X: The moodles are serving medium cod today in the jruck chuch.

Arts and Entertainment - Jrock Chat, October 27th, 2001
Jiki no ningyou: I want a Military Ussued Rhino to take over the Jruck Chuch with.