Arts and Entertainment - Anime, September 19th, 2001
Fluffy Hisoka: VIVA LA SOCK PUPPET!!

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, September 21st, 2001
Saint TaiI: Its clearly foggy outside.

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, September 22nd, 2001
Foxinicity: ....we're all alone.
Shin Matsu Z: Egads.
ITreyBones: You know what that means...
Ping pong!
Raunchy SEX!?
Foxinicity: ..Damn.
Shin Matsu Z: Aww, I was hoping for a tea party...
ITreyBones: either/or.
Shin Matsu Z:
How about tea party ping pong!
ITreyBones: ping pong, tea party, raunchy's all the same.
How about we have raunchy sex in the middle of a tea party whilst playing ping pong?
Shin Matsu Z: Wait a minute, I thought that raunchy sex was a euphemism for ping pong!
ITreyBones: For dinner tolday I had gummy bears, rock candy, nachos and sunflower seeds.
Shin Matsu Z:
Nutritious AND delicious.
ITreyBones: 'Cause I'm a health nut.

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, September 24th, 2001
ITreyBones: I had dinner at a girl's house today.
ITreyBones: I feel so...heterosexual..
BrettxPW: You guys can't do this.
BrettxPW: Then you'll all know each other and I'll be an outsider.
PopsikleCannibaI: aww
PopsikleCannibaI: so you come too!
LessThanZach: What if we all took a road tripp to Brett's place of residence instead?
BrettxPW: You can all stay in my room.
BrettxPW: It's pretty nice, except for the moth attacks.
LessThanZach: I got dibs on the shower curtain!
BrettxPW: Zach... you don't want that.
LessThanZach: What's the fun of traveling if you can't steal a shower curtain?
LessThanZach: Or a gideon bible?
Or shampoo?
LessThanZach: Or virginity?
BrettxPW: Oh, I thought you meant MY shower curtain.
LessThanZach: And before you say anything, I didn't mean your virginity either.
BrettxPW: Damn.
Saint TaiI: Dammnit, zach. Just cut a hole in a potato sack and put it on. Say you are Chibi Chibi.

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, September 25th, 2001
hey are you 13 kenshin pseudo fan?
Slayer Kenshin: older than that
Shinsengumi3: i bet the fakey kenshin fan is 13
Slayer Kenshin: 14
Shinsengumi3: 14!
Shinsengumi3: XD

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, September 26th, 2001
Iiquid diamonds: You can be an inferior decorator, Bets.
Iiquid diamonds: And decorate my house.
Foxinicity: I have to piss.
Foxinicity: BRB
Ataraxia Aura: Goddamn you piss a lot.
Ataraxia Aura: you could feed a small country.
Ataraxia Aura: Yoshiki: ::plays the piano with his penis while he bangs on the drums::
Ataraxia Aura: So THAT's how he does it.
Ataraxia Aura: Yoshiki's penis has a life of it's own.
Ataraxia Aura: In fact, Yoshiki's penis writes ALL the music.
Ataraxia Aura: Which resulted in wanky songs like Crucify My Love.
Ataraxia Aura: What do you think "Wriggle" was about?
Ataraxia Aura: Yoshiki's penis is doing the singing...
Ataraxia Aura: Which is why you can't hear it.
Ataraxia Aura: Well thank something for Yoshiki's penis, or we wouldn't have had X Japan.
Fluffy Hisoka: ::puts hide in a picnic basket::
Fluffy Hisoka: ::dresses like dorothy::
Fluffy Hisoka: really aunty em! its her CAT that starts all the problems!
Fluffy Hisoka: aunty em/'re one weird kid you know?
Foxinicity: *yawn-sneeze*
RvGrIUtena: Catching a cold?
Foxinicity: I'm catching oxygen.
RvGrIUtena: That sucks. I smoke a lot to aleviate that problem.
RvGrIUtena: When I run low on cigarettes, I set my shirt on fire.
Foxinicity: I huff household products.
RvGrIUtena: See? Always a way around things.
Foxinicity: Mayonaise is my favorite.
RvGrIUtena: Wise choice.
Foxinicity: Have you ever passed out from oxygen depravation due to Mayonaise huffing?
Foxinicity: I was out for 10 minutes, once. That's why I don't dance..
Foxinicity: I can't shimmy.
Foxinicity: My ass/boob coordination is completely fucked.

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, September 27th, 2001
Ataraxia Aura: Brett makes me tense.
X Nanami Cow X: Brett makes me wet.
X Nanami Cow X: Uhhh...
PopsikleCannibaI: o.o;;;
Ataraxia Aura: O.O;
PopsikleCannibaI: oh my rach.
KimAWuvern: Hey, goth poetry doesn't appeal to me whatsoever.

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, September 30th, 2001
Fluffy Hisoka: gackt:my nails are long
ITreyBones: Gackt: ;.; My shoe's untied.
Fluffy Hisoka:
mana:its the only thing long about you
Fluffy Hisoka: lol!
ITreyBones: Mana: *sigh* remember when I taught you the bunny trick?
ITreyBones: Gackt: Yeah....
ITreyBones: Mana: try that...
Fluffy Hisoka:
oh god i love trey

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, October 4th, 2001
Ataraxia Aura: I will look when this coming.

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, October 5th, 2001
MechaWashu: i didnt get a nap today. i was busy O.o it took over 2 hours to do my freakin laundry
MechaWashu: and then making my bed...geeze! i swear i need safty nets to do it.
MechaWashu: you dont know how many times i lean too far ont eh ladder and almost tip over
Foxinicity: ...You make your bed?
MechaWashu: i changed my sheets
Foxinicity: Ahh.
Foxinicity: ....
Foxinicity: You change your sheets?
MechaWashu: o.o;;;

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, October 6th, 2001
Riya Ohki: sup?
ITreyBones: Just chillin' with my jiggas.
Foxinicity: No.. I believe he means..
Foxinicity: RAW ANAL SEX!
Chun Iii: DUDE MAN.
Chun Iii: : Hides. :
Little Nouko: Raw.... Anal... Sex..
Foxinicity: *snicker*
BrettxPW: Hey dad. Raw anal sex.