Arts and Entertainment - Anime, July 12th, 2001
Pure Libido D: I'm D
Pure Libido D: and you called me a tentacle beast.
Forbiddndarknss: ooooh ok..*wipes sweat from brow*
Pure Libido D: ::wipes *ahem* from pants:: D
Pure Libido D: *XD
Forbiddndarknss: LOL! Oh need to find some Hentai my friend!
Pure Libido D: umm.......umm......
Fluffy Hisoka: im quoting that
T00L3RDEYE: funny foz, what are you 12?
Foxinicity: 17. ..and that's an *x*.
T00L3RDEYE: 17, that figures
Foxinicity: Yeah.. only you thought I was 12.
Youjis bazooka: and how old are you?
T00L3RDEYE: 20
Foxinicity: Oh! Well there we have it.
Foxinicity: Christian sorcery?
Foxinicity: ...Heheheh.
Fluffy Hisoka: isnt that an oxymoron?
Foxinicity: Christians = Magically *inept*
Fluffy Hisoka: thats why they were so mad
ITreyBones: Christians= Magically delicious?
Foxinicity: Yes. Christians burned and hanged people they thought were witches
Foxinicity: because they were JEALOUS!
Fluffy Hisoka: theyre like "dammit jebadiah....why cant we turn our crops into twinkle blossoms?"
Fluffy Hisoka: "well jeramiah...its cause we dont know magic"
Fluffy Hisoka: "well jebadiah if we cant do magic no one can"
Fluffy Hisoka: "okie dokie"
Foxinicity: "Christians - Can't live with 'em, Can't feed 'em to the lions anymore."
Foxinicity: ROFL.. "Okie dokie"

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, July 14th, 2001
ITreyBones: Christ on a cupcake! There are a lot of people selling pogs!
ITreyBones: Yeah! Tsuzuki!
ITreyBones: Tsuzuki's a dreamboat. *.*
Youjis bazooka: lol
Hentai Senshi: XD kawaaiiiiii!!
Hentai Senshi: look what you made me do trey!
Hentai Senshi: you made me say kawaii

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, July 16th, 2001
Magi606: ::bangs on the door some more::
Hentai Senshi: ::slaps magi:: DOWN BOY!
Hentai Senshi: DOWN!
Foxinicity: And.. ya know.. he's going to keep banging until she comes.
Foxinicity: To the door.
SKaTeR dUdE12048: duz n e one here like linkin park?
Gleameyes1: ME!
XxCIoudxStrifexX: yea !! they have a killer swing set
SKaTeR dUdE12048: or have n e idea what that is??
Gohanlvl4SSJ: never heard of that
Gleameyes1: they kick ass!
Human24601: Don't know what it is
Foxinicity: ....We're being overrun by juvenile boys.
Human24601: That would be horrible
Gleameyes1: ROCK ON!
Hentai Senshi: and they arent even trying to screw each other
ITreyBones: I wanna see Zex and Sephiroth....
ITreyBones: play soccer.
ITreyBones: Or bake cookies.

ITreyBones: I want a VincentxIrvine one.
Hentai Senshi: will he wear the hat throughout the whole doujinshi?
ITreyBones: Of course.
Foxinicity: Hat? I don't care about the hat. I just want to see the chaps.
Hentai Senshi: i really like the hat though...
ITreyBones: He can have a hat and chaps.
ITreyBones: 'Cause Trey Cold says so!
ITreyBones: ::smashes beer can::
Foxinicity: I have a question.. Males..
Foxinicity: when fully erect... is your penis likely to flop around like a door-stop when
Foxinicity: flicked?
MarinKatrine2x1: LoL... Fox.. seek help
Foxinicity: Seriously.. do they?
Godinajar1: thats not normal
Hentai Senshi: i don think so fox
Hentai Senshi: but then...i dont know.....
Hentai Senshi: lets find out...trey get a chub on
Hentai Senshi: i shouldnt be using trey for this...he's so innocent..
Foxinicity: LoL
ITreyBones: ^.^ I'm not hooked up to a clapper, ya know.
Hentai Senshi: lol trey!
Foxinicity: ROFL!
-(From Silly)
OutlawHildaVS02C: why would it be called anime if its not a rp chat/
-(From Silly)
Honey BIade: if i could beeeeeee part of that wooooooooorld
KyuusakuMS: lol
Honey BIade: ::swims around in a penis shaped castle::
KyuusakuMS: kinky
ITreyBones: ::swims around in a castle shaped penis::
Honey BIade: woo!
Foxinicity: Akio's nipples are faked?
Foxinicity: DECOY NIPPLES!?
Honey BIade: well...considering he's animated....
Foxinicity: Aaaaakiooooo has Deeecooyyyy niiiippples!!
KimAWuvern: Why would anyone wear fake nipples?
LessThanZach: Ask Tim Curry.
KimAWuvern: Tim Curry, why would anyone wear fake nipples?
LessThanZach: ...It doesn't look like he's going to answer.
LessThanZach: Oh no, Robocop fell off the roof...
KimAWuvern: Watch out Robocop!
Honey BIade: he shoulda used a duracel
O0DaLiNk0o: wtf iz a guy doin with a name like "honey blade"?
O0DaLiNk0o: oh wait

Arts and Entertainment -ANIME, July 18th, 2001
X Nanami Cow X: Aoshi is to Rachael as Saitou is to Sarah.
Shinsengumi3: oh
X Nanami Cow X: *_*
Shinsengumi3: o.o
BrettxPW: Just like Bob Barker is to Brett
BrettxPW: ::melts::

Arts and Entertainment- A n I m E, July 25th, 2001
LessThanZach: I couldn't eat! I was bleeding like some kind of blood-filled thing that bleeds a lot.

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, July 30th, 2001
Fluffy Hisoka: i've done nothing today
Fluffy Hisoka: except try to get home
Fluffy Hisoka: its like a damn disney movie
Fluffy Hisoka: "in a world.....where parents dont have joint custody....a girl...tries to get back to her
Fluffy Hisoka: chair"
Fluffy Hisoka: "I WANNA GO HOOOOMEEEE!!!"
Fluffy Hisoka: "SHUT UP LILLY!"
Fluffy Hisoka: "fuu.."
Fluffy Hisoka: end of trailer
Fluffy Hisoka: something something oceanography
LessThanZach: In the navy, something something sodomy...