Arts and Entertainment - Anime, June 25th, 2001
TeqTronix: dj shadow is truly one of the great composers of this century ...
TeqTronix: he makes me all giddy.
Foxinicity: Great composers.. this century.. mwahah.
Fluffy Hisoka: i dont think remixing a song counts as composing
TeqTronix: hey shut up
TeqTronix: he has mad skilloz
Foxinicity: AUM TO SILLY!
Fluffy Hisoka: ::dances;: i got an aum
X Nanami Cow X: I think there are 2 good composers I've come across this century.
X Nanami Cow X: :)
TeqTronix: you dare doubt the dj shadow fox ? infidel !
Foxinicity: I can listen to music written in this century and the last.. and I can even enjoy it.
Foxinicity: But none of it will ever compare to what was written in the 18th.
TeqTronix: beg forgiveness .. he is a bach, a beethoven,
TeqTronix: a rembrandt in his own right.
Foxinicity: ...Rembrandt?
X Nanami Cow X: Indeed, Foxy.
Fluffy Hisoka: the hell he is
Snuffelupagus116: no you already there bitch ya know what you ceep chatin like farries im gunna go get laid
bye virgans
BrettxPW: Perfect Blue was like the plot to a Cinemax movie.
LessThanZach: Nonono, Perfect Blue had less boobie.
Well, yes. And there was no sex therapist on Perfect Blue.
Honey BIade: and it lacked a radioactive spider biting peter parker
Honey BIade: o.o....someones trying to get in my house
BrettxPW: Sick 'em Lil!
Honey BIade: holy hell lil is scared
BrettxPW: Are your doors locked, Lil?
Honey BIade:
no i've been outside trying to get my damn cat
LessThanZach: Lock the door. Throw waffles at him if he doesn't leave.
Honey BIade:
well....if anyone tries to break in....they'll have ruler to deal with
Foxinicity: Don't throw waffles.. throw... witty insults.
LessThanZach: Write the insults on the waffles with a sharpie, then throw them.
Foxinicity: [omitted ebay auction link]
Foxinicity: Ugly as ass.
OtakuVidel: uck
OtakuVidel: that is ugly foxy
LessThanZach: Why is the old lady in that picture sneering?
Foxinicity: Because she's wearing a corrset, Zachie.
OtakuVidel: lol
LessThanZach: She's got that Elvis-lip thing...
OtakuVidel: yeah!
Honey BIade: [texan] she must be old...she's got white hair
Foxinicity: [Another Texan] I think it's a man.
Honey BIade: [first texan] i smell like cheese
LessThanZach: [Third Texan] Yee-haw! I'm in the white house now!
LessThanZach: I want a Pope hat.
Foxinicity: Get one, Zachie.
Foxinicity: Take pictures of yourself in it.. and send.
Honey BIade: i can make a paper pope hat
LessThanZach: LOL.
Foxinicity: It'll be the ultimate slap in the face of the roman catholic church.
LessThanZach: BRB, searching Yahoo for pope hat vendors.
Foxinicity: well.. since Sinead O'Conner's tear-up.
OtakuVidel: yeah
LessThanZach: Sinbad O'Conner did what?
Foxinicity: She ripped up a picture of the pope on SNL.
LessThanZach: lol
LessThanZach: Why?
OtakuVidel: and got into deep shit for it
Foxinicity: Making a statement.
OtakuVidel: yeah
Foxinicity: I was looking back at the footage of it.. going..
Foxinicity: "GO SINEAD, GO!"
LessThanZach: Hooray for Sinbad!
Honey BIade: they never show it
Honey BIade: lol
Foxinicity: Now she's a freakin' priest or something.
Foxinicity: LoL Zachie.
(chat chat chat)
LessThanZach: FOUND ONE!
LessThanZach: $30, though.
Foxinicity: Whoa, Zach.
OtakuVidel: lol
Foxinicity: GET IT!
Foxinicity: Or send me a link, I want one.
OtakuVidel: $30 for holyness
LessThanZach: Here (Keyword to:
OtakuVidel: i want one too now
Arts and Entertainment - Anime, June 26th, 2001
Honey BIade: i pulled down some girls shorts in P.E
Honey BIade: i got yelled at
Honey BIade: the p.e teacher was mean to me
Honey BIade: just because i swore like a sailor and was sexually harrassing the other girls...
Honey BIade: she just didnt like me
Honey BIade: moon fucking spiral god damn son of a bitch heart attack mother fucker!
ITreyBones: I wonder..would two athiests' children rebel against their parents by becoming Christian?
Diamond DolI: Today I ate a cup of raw hamburger meat.
Honey BIade: "watch out ! i know tai chi!"
ITreyBones: o.o is scary.
ITreyBones: I'm not going past the warning page.
Foxinicity: I want the domain..
Foxinicity: maybe I should register that instead of the benign ''
Foxinicity: LoL
Foxinicity: I like that.

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, June 27th, 2001
Hentai Senshi: ::urge to kill rising::
Hentai Senshi: im out of jello
ITreyBones: When my urge to kill rises, I make clay tea cups. :D
Hentai Senshi: ::french maid saionji sweeps her into a bucket::
ITreyBones: o.o That's abnormal.
LessThanZach: I'm bored out of my ass.
Hentai Senshi: you never had an ass to begin with zach
LessThanZach: I never had an ass because the boredom took it.
Miang.....::cries like a little girl::