Arts and Entertainment - Anime, May 12th, 2001
LiLBuruma: hahaha i drew a merboy XD
LiLBuruma: i...wish ihadnt have drawn him on my leg though o_o
LessThanZach: Does he live in the penis-shaped Disney castle?
LiLBuruma: no
LiLBuruma: he lives in an ass shaped castle
LessThanZach: Aawww.
LiLBuruma: cause he likes big butts and he can not lie
LiLBuruma: his brothers yo they cant deny
Foxinicity: LoL
LessThanZach: When a girlie walks in with an itty-bitty waist and a round thing in yo face... something
LessThanZach: something...
LiLBuruma: zach knows more lines to that song than i do
LiLBuruma: i feel....bad
LiLBuruma: ::runs away to cry::
LiLBuruma: ::eats some potato chips instead::
Agito Makishama: youre all abunch of 4 eyed nerds!!!
Agito Makishama:
who dont have anythng else to except talk all day on the god damn computer!
Agito Makishama: please
Agito Makishama: thats why youre still here talking!
Agito Makishama: becouse youre to afraid of the world outside youre on house!
Agito Makishama: youre fat lazy and probly smart but....
Agito Makishama: youre still abunch of idiots who no how to spell good!
Agito Makishama: and you all know its true!
Agito Makishama:
im gone!
Agito Makishama: i have better things to do than to just sit here!
Agito Makishama: good bye
zach if you cant connect the dots i dont wanna play this game with you
LessThanZach: I can connect the dots.
LessThanZach: It's just that the dots have no numbers.
LessThanZach: So I always trace them in the form of a duckie.

Arts and Entertainment - Anime, May 15th, 2001
Foxinicity: I'm waiting for the day someone typos 'mail'.
LessThanZach: You've got mali!
IDead IEnd: You've got male!
Foxinicity: "You've got male"
Foxinicity: ZACH!
IDead IEnd: Jinx..
IDead IEnd: You owe me a soda..
Foxinicity: Are you sure you want soda?
Foxinicity: XD
Fighter Kitt: How old are people in here?
Foxinicity: I'm old enough to make you cry should you piss in my pansies.
LessThanZach: You said you could make her cry if she pissed in your panties. I don't get it.
Foxinicity: PANSIES!
LessThanZach: Oh, fuck, that said pansies.
Foxinicity: It's a way of saying.. "If you violate my territory.. I'll"
LessThanZach: That just lost a lot of the humor I thought it had. o.o
LessThanZach: I'll just piss in my own panties, then.
LessThanZach: They're day-of-the-week print, too!

BioHyphenOmega: I'm bout to leave.
BioHyphenOmega: Ethan didn't say if he liked me more or not.
BioHyphenOmega: I was quiet....
BioHyphenOmega: Wasn't I?
Foxinicity: No. You were obnoxious. You are obnoxious.
Foxinicity: Let's not be untruthful.
BioHyphenOmega: ...Sorry...
Foxinicity: Don't be sorry! Be pissed. Have a spine!
BioHyphenOmega: Am I really so annoying?
BioHyphenOmega: I thought I chilled down.
DreamsWashAshore: Yes, you are.
BioHyphenOmega: Fuck.
Foxinicity: You're yapping like some submissive animal.
BioHyphenOmega: Fuck me.
DreamsWashAshore: You're a different annoying now.
BioHyphenOmega: Fuck me in my ass 2 times.
LessThanZach: In a row?
DreamsWashAshore: No thanks, dear.
BioHyphenOmega: ....
BioHyphenOmega: Celeste.
DreamsWashAshore: Ty.
BioHyphenOmega: How do I not e annoying?
BioHyphenOmega: be*
DreamsWashAshore: Just stop worrying about everything.
Foxinicity: It's so funny how human social hierarchy is nearly identical to that of
Foxinicity: other pack animals.
DreamsWashAshore: •sniffs Foxi's butt•
DreamsWashAshore: •pants•
Juri No Mesuinu: What's a good screen name for me?
Foxinicity: A good screen name for Sugar....
Foxinicity: what are you going after, Sugar?
Juri No Mesuinu: Something... cool?
Foxinicity: Cool to what effect?
Juri No Mesuinu: I don't know.
Foxinicity: Are you going for goofy, sweet, cheesey gothic.. actually.. Sugar, I think you have every
Foxinicity: flavor of SN there is.
Juri No Mesuinu: Not something all serious and dark like "Fragile Spirit" or "Neglected Boy"
Juri No Mesuinu: Or something like that.
Foxinicity: ROFL!!
Juri No Mesuinu: Something funny and neat, like...
Omocha Yukishiro: Neglected Fragile Boy Spirit. *nod*
LessThanZach: Why not "Negleted Waffle" then?
LessThanZach: *neglected
Juri No Mesuinu: "RollerDiscoLives"

(some time later..umm..same subject)

Omocha Yukishiro: I know! I know!
Omocha Yukishiro: ASPERATME!
Omocha Yukishiro: Wait...
Foxinicity: Aspartame. =)
Omocha Yukishiro: ASPARATAME
Omocha Yukishiro: Dammit
Omocha Yukishiro: ASPARTAME
Foxinicity: I'm really wanting to pronounce that like "Asper-atomy"
Omocha Yukishiro: There. Now I got it.
Omocha Yukishiro: Lol
Foxinicity: We could.. a.. Cajunify it.
Omocha Yukishiro: Aspartacus.
Foxinicity: "Funky Sugah"
Omocha Yukishiro: Lol!
LessThanZach: No, Bushify it. Asparatimaname.
Foxinicity: No.. actually.. .that's more like New York Pimp than Cajun.
Omocha Yukishiro: I speak Cajun Frences u idiot!!